BCA Podcast

BCA podcast

Listen in as Aviation Week Network editors explore trends and key developments in business aviation that affect aircraft fleet owners, fractional operators, customers, FBOs and others. Discover all of Aviation Week Network's podcasts >>


Aug 31, 2017
Fast Five with William Quinn, Chairman of Aviation Management Systems and Managing Partner of Charleston Aviation Partners
Jul 26, 2017
Hartzell Propeller, Inc., a family-owned business, is celebrating its 100 birthday this year. BCA's William Garvey interviews Joseph Brown, president.
May 26, 2017
Global Jet Capital provides leasing and lending solutions for private aircraft. It was formed in 2014 and soon after, acquired GE’s aircraft portfolio. Within two years, the company’s assets grew from zero to $2.5 billion. BCA’s William Garvey talks to Vick about about this rapid growth.
May 02, 2017
How will Brandon Mitchener's skills as a journalist and a corporate business communicator be utilized as CEO of the European Business Aviation Association?
Apr 10, 2017
ADS-B installations are a small part of Duncan Aviation’s business despite market outreach ahead of the 2020 deadline. President and CEO Aaron Hilkemann explains operators’ reasons for delaying the upgrade—and the consequences.
Mar 03, 2017
National Transportation Safety Board vice chairman Robert L. Sumwalt tells BCA about two of the accidents most troubling to him and why he believes the Board does not need regulatory authority.
Feb 03, 2017
Talaat Captan is founder and CEO of Air Hollywood, an aviation-themed movie studio that has everything found at an airport—except planes that fly.
Jan 03, 2017
David Sneed discusses the scope and operations of Delta Private Jets, which provides charter and jet card services to companies and individuals.