The Business Aviation Quiz: How Much Do you Know About ADS-B?
February 10, 2021
How did you get on?
Register for the webinar 'ADS-B Out and In' hosted by BCA's Bill Carey as the panel reviews some of the new systems that are available to enable pilots and operators to benefit from ADS-B In, including cost and time considerations of installing or upgrading equipment.
Want to test your industry knowledge more? Take a look at the previous Business Aviation weekly quizzes.

How much do you know about ADS-B?
As more systems become available enabling operational benefits for both pilots and operators, take our quiz to test your knowledge.
Click across to the next image to start the quiz >

1. As of Jan. 1, 2020, the FAA has mandated that aircraft flying in most controlled airspace in the U.S. be equipped to broadcast their position and identity by ADS-B Out. About how many aircraft are equipped?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

2. Has the FAA replaced radar with ADS-B to track aircraft?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

3. How can you confirm that your aircraft complies with the FAA’s ADS-B Out regulation?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

Aircraft owners, operators and avionics shops can request Public ADS-B Performance Reports (PAPR) from the FAA to validate the performance of ADS-B Out equipment installed on aircraft by entering the flight date and other information at:

4. How can privacy be protected when an aircraft is continuously broadcasting identifying information by ADS-B Out?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

The FAA has established the Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program, which allows an operator to request an alternate, temporary ICAO aircraft address that is not attributable to the owner/operator in the Civil Aviation Registry. To begin the process, an operator must obtain a PAPR with the aircraft’s permanently assigned ICAO address from a flight in ADS-B airspace within the past 180 days. Next, enter the required information via the PIA request site at:

5. ADS-B In allows pilots to receive and display weather and traffic information in the cockpit, but may require new processor and display systems in addition to approved ADS-B Out avionics. Which companies supply ADS-B In equipment?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

The FAA lists the following manufacturers of approved Version 2 ADS-B In equipment: Aspen Avionics, ACSS, Avidyne, Honeywell BendixKing, Collins Aerospace, FreeFlight Systems, Garmin, Honeywell Aerospace, L3Harris Aviation Products.

How did you get on?
Register for the webinar 'ADS-B Out and In' hosted by BCA's Bill Carey as the panel reviews some of the new systems that are available to enable pilots and operators to benefit from ADS-B In, including cost and time considerations of installing or upgrading equipment.
Want to test your industry knowledge more? Take a look at the previous Business Aviation weekly quizzes.

How much do you know about ADS-B?
As more systems become available enabling operational benefits for both pilots and operators, take our quiz to test your knowledge.
Click across to the next image to start the quiz >

1. As of Jan. 1, 2020, the FAA has mandated that aircraft flying in most controlled airspace in the U.S. be equipped to broadcast their position and identity by ADS-B Out. About how many aircraft are equipped?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

2. Has the FAA replaced radar with ADS-B to track aircraft?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

3. How can you confirm that your aircraft complies with the FAA’s ADS-B Out regulation?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

Aircraft owners, operators and avionics shops can request Public ADS-B Performance Reports (PAPR) from the FAA to validate the performance of ADS-B Out equipment installed on aircraft by entering the flight date and other information at:

4. How can privacy be protected when an aircraft is continuously broadcasting identifying information by ADS-B Out?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

The FAA has established the Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program, which allows an operator to request an alternate, temporary ICAO aircraft address that is not attributable to the owner/operator in the Civil Aviation Registry. To begin the process, an operator must obtain a PAPR with the aircraft’s permanently assigned ICAO address from a flight in ADS-B airspace within the past 180 days. Next, enter the required information via the PIA request site at:

5. ADS-B In allows pilots to receive and display weather and traffic information in the cockpit, but may require new processor and display systems in addition to approved ADS-B Out avionics. Which companies supply ADS-B In equipment?
Click across to the next image to find out the answer >

The FAA lists the following manufacturers of approved Version 2 ADS-B In equipment: Aspen Avionics, ACSS, Avidyne, Honeywell BendixKing, Collins Aerospace, FreeFlight Systems, Garmin, Honeywell Aerospace, L3Harris Aviation Products.

How did you get on?
Register for the webinar 'ADS-B Out and In' hosted by BCA's Bill Carey as the panel reviews some of the new systems that are available to enable pilots and operators to benefit from ADS-B In, including cost and time considerations of installing or upgrading equipment.
Want to test your industry knowledge more? Take a look at the previous Business Aviation weekly quizzes.
As more systems become available enabling operational benefits for both pilots and operators, take our quiz to test your knowledge.
Register for the webinar 'ADS-B Out and In' hosted by BCA's Bill Carey as the panel reviews some of the new systems that are available to enable pilots and operators to benefit from ADS-B In.