Checklist: Oshkosh Notice Outlines Flight Procedures

Aerial view of Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
The Experimental Aircraft Association has made available a free 32-page notice of flight procedures for pilots flying their aircraft to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023, which takes place July 24-30 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
The FAA-approved Oshkosh Notice, previously called a NOTAM, outlines all arrival/departure procedures, radio frequencies, airport details and other important information. Pilots can download a digital version of the Notice at
The EAA advises that several important changes have been made in the 2023 Notice. The Special Flight Procedures it describes are effective from noon CDT July 20 to noon CDT July 31.
According to the notice, pilots planning to land at Wittman Regional Airport (OSH) should be prepared for the possibility of diverting to an alternate airport, such as Fond du Lac (FLD), Appleton (ATW) or Green Bay (GRB). These airports have parking and scheduled transportation to Oshkosh.
Canadian pilots flying Canadian-registered experimental amateur-built aircraft, basic or advanced ultralight airplanes must obtain an FAA Special Flight Authorization (SFA) to operate in the U.S. The SFA may be obtained at:
Some Of The Changes For 2023
- The AirVenture ultralight pattern at Wittman Regional Airport has been changed; check for details.
- The Fond du Lac Diversion Procedure has been eliminated.
The FAA will operate a temporary air traffic control tower at Fond du Lac County Airport (FLD) from Saturday, July 22 through Sunday, July 30, 2023. The tower will operate from 7 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. CDT, except closing at 5 p.m. CDT on Sunday, July 30. Communication with the FLD tower is required when at or below 3,300 ft. MSL within 4 nm of FLD.
- Guidance regarding Oshkosh aircraft parking areas, including North 40/South 40 designation.
- The start time of the daily air shows has been changed from 2:30 to 2:15 p.m. CDT.
The ATC-assignable transition points approaching Oshkosh from the west that will ease holding and congestion will again be in effect in 2023, the EAA advises. These points are at Endeavor Bridge, Puckaway Lake and Green Lake. They will be announced on the arrival ATIS automated aerodrome information service when ATC activates them at times of highest traffic flows.
“The most essential information for any pilot flying to Oshkosh involves reading and thoroughly understanding the 2023 AirVenture Notice to ensure safe operations on arrival and departure,” says EAA Vice President of Advocacy and Safety Sean Elliott. “This FAA Notice document states the official requirements and expectations for pilots. We also urge all pilots to log appropriate cross-country time prior to their trip to Oshkosh so they have the proficiency and confidence to fly safely.”