Interiors Of Past And Present Bizjets
March 23, 2020
First Production - Gulfstream G700
Gulfstream’s new, longest-range and roomiest business jet, the G700, made its first flight Feb. 14, departing Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia at 1:17 p.m. EST.

Production of Lockheed JetStar
Rollout rate of JetStar assembly line of Lockheed-Georgia Co. plant now is two aircraft per month. Company hoped to be producing four JetStars per month in early 1962, but military orders to date have not justified the increased output.

Unveils New G700 Flagship At NBAA-BACE
In October 2019, Gulfstream taxied out the first of four, or perhaps five, G700 flight-test aircraft in front of a carefully screened group of company employees, potential customers and vendors from one of its top-secret research and development hangars on the northside of its Savannah headquarters campus. First flight is imminent and customer deliveries are slated for 2022.

Cabin Interiors - Lockheed JetStar
Corporate JetStar’s customers interior was added by Lockheed Aircraft Service of Ontario, California, which offers various configurations costing from $45,000 to $145,000 per aircraft. JetStar purchasers may deal directly with at least five other firms furnished engineering data by Lockheed-Georgia Co. Aircraft cost does not include custom interiors.

Cabin Interiors - Gulfstream G700
Gulfstream’s G700 has a tall, wide cabin with five living areas where you can curate your ideal flight experience with various designs and flexible configurations.

Internal Mechanics - Lockheed JetStar
Major accessories - fuel control, starter generator, hydraulic pump and engine oil pump - are grouped beneath engine. Access door is 5 ft. from ground.

Engine - Gulfstream G700
The aircraft is equipped with two Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines that can produce a thrust of 18,250 lbf each.

Cockpit - Lockheed JetStar
JetStar cockpit has duplicated instruments for both pilots. Note 16-readout annunciation panel right of engine instruments and drag chute release beneath radar scope.

Cockpit - Gulfstream G700
The award-winning Symmetry Flight Deck features the safety of active control sidesticks. Intuitive touch-screen avionics, paired with Phase-of-Flight intelligence, reduce both pilot workload and aircraft start-up time.

Cabin chairs - Lockheed JetStar
Pedestal-mounted armchairs in executive cabin demonstrator recline, swivels and slide in tracks. Conference table can be stowed.

Cabin chairs - Gulfstream G700
The all-new seats convert into ergonomic beds. These are optimally positioned beside windows and near tactile cabin controls.

First Production - Lockheed JetStar
First production JetStar has 500 gal. Gloves tanks on wings. Military version will have larger tanks, but the size has not yet been determined. Fillets on engine mounting pods at the tail have been modified from prototype, but configuration is otherwise little changed.

First Production - Gulfstream G700
Gulfstream’s new, longest-range and roomiest business jet, the G700, made its first flight Feb. 14, departing Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia at 1:17 p.m. EST.

Production of Lockheed JetStar
Rollout rate of JetStar assembly line of Lockheed-Georgia Co. plant now is two aircraft per month. Company hoped to be producing four JetStars per month in early 1962, but military orders to date have not justified the increased output.

Unveils New G700 Flagship At NBAA-BACE
In October 2019, Gulfstream taxied out the first of four, or perhaps five, G700 flight-test aircraft in front of a carefully screened group of company employees, potential customers and vendors from one of its top-secret research and development hangars on the northside of its Savannah headquarters campus. First flight is imminent and customer deliveries are slated for 2022.

Cabin Interiors - Lockheed JetStar
Corporate JetStar’s customers interior was added by Lockheed Aircraft Service of Ontario, California, which offers various configurations costing from $45,000 to $145,000 per aircraft. JetStar purchasers may deal directly with at least five other firms furnished engineering data by Lockheed-Georgia Co. Aircraft cost does not include custom interiors.

Cabin Interiors - Gulfstream G700
Gulfstream’s G700 has a tall, wide cabin with five living areas where you can curate your ideal flight experience with various designs and flexible configurations.

Internal Mechanics - Lockheed JetStar
Major accessories - fuel control, starter generator, hydraulic pump and engine oil pump - are grouped beneath engine. Access door is 5 ft. from ground.

Engine - Gulfstream G700
The aircraft is equipped with two Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines that can produce a thrust of 18,250 lbf each.

Cockpit - Lockheed JetStar
JetStar cockpit has duplicated instruments for both pilots. Note 16-readout annunciation panel right of engine instruments and drag chute release beneath radar scope.

Cockpit - Gulfstream G700
The award-winning Symmetry Flight Deck features the safety of active control sidesticks. Intuitive touch-screen avionics, paired with Phase-of-Flight intelligence, reduce both pilot workload and aircraft start-up time.

Cabin chairs - Lockheed JetStar
Pedestal-mounted armchairs in executive cabin demonstrator recline, swivels and slide in tracks. Conference table can be stowed.

Cabin chairs - Gulfstream G700
The all-new seats convert into ergonomic beds. These are optimally positioned beside windows and near tactile cabin controls.

First Production - Lockheed JetStar
First production JetStar has 500 gal. Gloves tanks on wings. Military version will have larger tanks, but the size has not yet been determined. Fillets on engine mounting pods at the tail have been modified from prototype, but configuration is otherwise little changed.

First Production - Gulfstream G700
Gulfstream’s new, longest-range and roomiest business jet, the G700, made its first flight Feb. 14, departing Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia at 1:17 p.m. EST.
What a difference 60 years makes.
Since the unveil of the $75 million Gulfstream G700 - the largest, heaviest, roomiest, most luxurious and, very likely, the longest-range business aircraft yet built by Gulfstream - the business jet has continued to make headlines.
Then when we look at the first business jet, Lockheed JetStar, it was a true symbol of luxury, success, and power in the 1950s.
Comparing the two luxury aircraft, you can see the difference over half a century has on every aspect of business jets, from production and engines to cockpits and interiors.
This was first published in March 2020.