Thierry Dubois

France Bureau Chief

Lyon, France


Thierry Dubois has specialized in aerospace journalism since 1997. An engineer in fluid dynamics from Toulouse-based Enseeiht, he covers the French commercial aviation, defense and space industries. His expertise extends to all things technology in Europe. Thierry is also the editor-in-chief of Aviation Week’s ShowNews. 



By Thierry Dubois
Among the lessons the French Air and Space Force has learned from the war in Ukraine is the importance of suppressing enemy air defenses.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Thierry Dubois
The project has been devised as a flying testbed for distributed electric propulsion technologies that could be used on future commercial aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Thierry Dubois
A research and technology program has begun to study the environmental impact of manufacturing light composite structures.
Aircraft & Propulsion