Thierry Dubois

France Bureau Chief

Lyon, France


Thierry Dubois has specialized in aerospace journalism since 1997. An engineer in fluid dynamics from Toulouse-based Enseeiht, he covers the French commercial aviation, defense and space industries. His expertise extends to all things technology in Europe. Thierry is also the editor-in-chief of Aviation Week’s ShowNews. 



By Thierry Dubois
A manufacturing issue in the Zefiro 40 second stage’s nozzle led to the failure of the first commercial mission for a Vega-C launcher.
Commercial Space

By Thierry Dubois
For the time being, in high-end seats, environmental considerations have yet to displace passenger wellbeing as the main design driver.
Interiors & Connectivity

By Thierry Dubois
The Spanish government faces union opposition in Europe over willingness to carry on with the privatization of air traffic control services at airports.
Airports & Networks