Thierry Dubois

France Bureau Chief

Lyon, France


Thierry Dubois has specialized in aerospace journalism since 1997. An engineer in fluid dynamics from Toulouse-based Enseeiht, he covers the French commercial aviation, defense and space industries. His expertise extends to all things technology in Europe. Thierry is also the editor-in-chief of Aviation Week’s ShowNews. 



By Thierry Dubois
ArianeGroup is studying a dual-use second stage for launches of both satellite and crew that will support the European Space Agency’s fledgling reusability strategy.
Commercial Space

By Thierry Dubois
The European Space Agency and its partners have already demonstrated most of the technologies required for human spaceflight.

By Thierry Dubois
To capture the emerging demand in China for aircraft storage, transition and dismantling, Airbus is joining forces with specialist Tarmac Aerosave and the city of Chengdu.
Aircraft & Propulsion