Mike Vines



By Michael VinesMike Vines
When European air traffic control agency Eurocontrol insisted on enforcing a mandatory 8.33 kHz radio frequency spacing rule beginning Oct. 7, avionics shops in the U.K. were inundated with operators trying to get their aircraft in compliance on time.

By Mike Vines, in Birmingham, England
Lynton Aviation of Denham, England, has ordered eight Raytheon airplanes, including four Premier I business jets, and has been appointed as Raytheon Aircraft's sales representative for the Hawker, Beechjet and Horizon in the United Kingdom and Channel Islands. The FBO also will be a ``master dealer'' for Raytheon's propeller-driven airplanes in the same region. Reportedly, three of the four Premiers already have been earmarked for customers, as have one of the two King Airs and both Barons that Lynton is acquiring.

By Mike Vines, in Birmingham, England
Efforts to install 8.33-kHz radios in aircraft before Eurocontrol's October 7 deadline are reaching fever pitch in Europe. Aircraft with a CAA dispensation will be allowed to fly into the country without radios having 8.33-kHz spacing until the January 2001, but beginning October 7 they will not be allowed into the congested airspace over the European continent above FL 245.