Ed Hazelwood

Editor-in-Chief Conferences


Ed has spent the last 30+ years reporting on aviation, aerospace and defense. Currently, he creates the content for Aviation Week’s multi-million dollar aviation/aerospace conferences that take place in the U.S., Europe the Mideast, Latin America and Asia. Chief among these are the MRO series of events that take place globally.

He has been chief correspondent for a national television news program devoted to aviation, editor of publications devoted to Air Traffic Management, aerospace in Russia and China and ballistic missile defense in the United States.

Ed is co-author of the book, "What Ever Happened to the Cold War?” Planning for a New Era in Defense," the definitive 1991 study of the U.S. defense industrial base and the strategies needed to enable industry to survive in the changing security environment.

Throughout the 1990s he conducted numerous studies that included research on European and Asia airports, an extensive analysis of the existing and unfolding airline market in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Ed does significant public speaking at aviation and aerospace events and conferences around the world. He also routinely comments in the media on hot issues related to the industry. He has won numerous awards in journalism, including the International Award for Best Continuing Coverage of a news story by the Radio and Television News Directors Association, the Associated Press Regional Broadcast Award for coverage of the Walker espionage case, and Best Individual Effort by a Reporter from Associated Press for uncovering fraud, waste and abuse in Virginia government. Ed received his B.S. mass communications from Virginia Commonwealth University.


The move by poorer nations to have the International Civil Aviation Organization create an International Aeronautical Monetary Fund to pay for the implementation of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) was deflected earlier this month.

The FAA should delay full-scale development of some major air traffic control modernization programs and speed up others to benefit users earlier than planned, according to recommendations from high-level experts.

After several years of promoting GPS and satellite navigation as the only system that will be needed in the future for all means of aviation navigation, FAA is now retreating from that conviction. It has begun the search for a backup system. The shift in philosophy comes on the heels of a presidential commission report that urges caution before the elimination of the current ground-based radio navigation system and precision approach systems.