Carole Rickard Hedden

Washington, DC


Carole Rickard Hedden retired in 2022 as Executive Editor for custom content and Program Excellence for the Aviation Week Network, providing custom content and research to industry executives. She also was Managing Editor of Aviation Week’s Advanced Air Mobility Report. She joined Aviation Week in 1996 as a financial/business editor and has led special projects for more than two decades.

Prior to joining Aviation Week, Hedden worked for over 20 years in the news media and as a corporate communications leader at Fortune 100 companies.


For more than three years, the air transport industry has warned that a projected shortage in aviation maintenance technicians could bring flights to a grinding halt. The reasoning includes an assertion that too many young people are being told they must go to college instead of adopting a technical trade.

Engineers and scientists working at the U.S. national weapons laboratories aren't joining the team to be stewards of aging technology. They're seeking opportunities for pure science and research. To recruit them, however, the labs must employ new tools and ideas. At Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, N.M., the goal is to hire 400 engineers and scientists this year. In addition, the lab wants approximately 80% of those new hires to come directly from the college campus, where the focus is on research rather than applied science.

Alicia Hartong considered the real estate adage--location, location, location--when she chose aerospace over an engineering career in the automotive or paper industries. With her mechanical engineering degree, she thought she could build an entire career in aerospace in her hometown of Dayton, Ohio.