Alan Dron

Europe & Middle East Correspondent, Air Transport World

London, UK


Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World.

A daily newspaper journalist in the UK and Middle East for 15 years, he then joined the UK's most successful corporate publishing company before setting up his own company in 2004. He has worked with ATW since 2014.


By Alan Dron
An unexpectedly strong sustainment of demand for summer holiday flights is giving the Norwegian Group cause for optimism.
Airlines & Lessors

By Alan Dron
Crossover jets may account for an increasing percentage of movements at regional airports, but few as comprehensively as Antwerp.
Small Narrowbody Jets

By Alan Dron
The Nigerian state of Ebonyi plans to establish its own airline, as part of efforts to improve the economy of the region.
Airlines & Lessors