Ask the Editors

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global economic crisis have creating daunting challenges across the aerospace and aviation industries. Companies large and small face myriad questions on how to ride out the storm and position themselves to thrive when better times return.

To help fill that void, we are launching our new “Ask The Editors” feature. Readers can submit questions to our global team of editors. If we don’t have an answer, we’ll reach out to our large networks of experts to provide one.

Here are some of the best questions posed by readers and our answers.

Aug 31, 2020
Ask the Editors: Aviation Week reduced its 10-year forecast for new commercial aircraft by 30%, representing a 34% drop in dollar value.
Aug 28, 2020
Ask the Editors: Minimizing an aircraft’s cross-section is not necessary for all missions, and many weapons can be carried internally.
Aug 26, 2020
Ask the Editors: Embraer will continue to develop the E175-E2, although its planned entry-into-service timeline has been delayed to 2023.
Aug 24, 2020
Ask the Editors: Industry has done a superb job in putting safety measures first, but a lousy job at relaying efforts to the public.
Aug 21, 2020
Ask the Editors: It is more destabilizing if our adversaries have them and we don’t.
Aug 19, 2020
Ask the Editors: The outlook for air cargo in coming years will be closely linked to the global economy, and industry will have to adapt.
Aug 17, 2020
Ask the Editors: Short-term defense spending appears stable, but cuts over the next five years may delay Air Force programs such as NGAD.
Aug 14, 2020
Ask the Editors: Aviation in Argentina and across almost all of Latin America is in critical condition. Governments have provided little-to-no financial aid for airlines.