Podcast: Bird Strike

Captain ‘Sully’ Sullenberger and the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ raised world-wide awareness through the general media of the threat that birds pose to aircraft. But as we know in this industry, bird strikes happen every day, all too often causing damage to aircraft, and in the rare case, loss of life. But the industry is doing something about it, despite the many challenges it faces – there’s no denying that some of these airports were just built in the wrong place. 

The Sept 1. issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology features a package analysing the risk that wildlife pose to airports and airlines, what the industry is doing about it - including some rather unconventional ideas - and why there’s still plenty of work to be done. 

The authors of the package, John Croft and Sean Broderick, joined me in this week’s Check 6 podcast to discuss everything from Canada geese to tortoises, and why mitigating their threat is so important to the industry.  Listen in here our download the podcast on iTunes