Ready to roll! Number two test aircraft 1A002 awaits installation of Leap-1B engines. The wingset of 1A003 is visible at the initial line position behind. Boeing selected the "1A" nomenclature for the MAX, having reached the end of the alphabet with the last new aircraft, the 787, which are dubbed "ZA" (787-8), "ZB" (787-9) and "ZC" (787-10).

Boeing’s first 737 MAX—737-8 1A001—was rolled off the Renton, Washington, line and into the paint hangar on Nov, 30, the exact day set on the schedule when the program was launched in 2011.

The wing set of the third test-airframe, 1A003, is already "loaded" onto the central assembly line and awaits mating with the fuselage, which is being finalized in the new systems-integration tool.

Aside from the larger engines, the key distinguishing feature of the MAX is the reshaped, low-drag tail cone, seen here on the second test-aircraft, 1A002.

Designed to accommodate the larger 69.4-in.-diameter fan of the CFM Leap-1B engine (which is more than 8 in. larger than the current CFM56-7B on today’s production 737), the engine support strut is cantilevered farther forward and higher than on the 737NG.

The MAX nose gear is lengthened by 8 in. compared with the 737NG to ensure the same ground clearance with the larger engine. Minimum ground clearance beneath the engine at maximum weight will be 1 ft., 11 in.

While the MAX will roll down a new "central" line dedicated to the new model, existing 737NGs continue to be produced at the rate of 42 per month on adjacent "east" and "west" lines. The aircraft seen beyond the cockpit windows of 1A002 is a 737-800 on the "east" line.

The flight deck and large format Rockwell Collins displays come to life in 1A002. The box like structures above the glareshield are for flight-test instrumentation.

Close up of the advanced bifurcated winglet, which is 9 ft. 6 in. high. The low drag device is designed to improve the performance of the MAX without requiring any addition to the current 737’s existing wing span of 117 ft., 10 in.

Ready to roll! Number two test aircraft 1A002 awaits installation of Leap-1B engines. The wingset of 1A003 is visible at the initial line position behind. Boeing selected the "1A" nomenclature for the MAX, having reached the end of the alphabet with the last new aircraft, the 787, which are dubbed "ZA" (787-8), "ZB" (787-9) and "ZC" (787-10).

Boeing’s first 737 MAX—737-8 1A001—was rolled off the Renton, Washington, line and into the paint hangar on Nov, 30, the exact day set on the schedule when the program was launched in 2011.

The wing set of the third test-airframe, 1A003, is already "loaded" onto the central assembly line and awaits mating with the fuselage, which is being finalized in the new systems-integration tool.

Aside from the larger engines, the key distinguishing feature of the MAX is the reshaped, low-drag tail cone, seen here on the second test-aircraft, 1A002.

Designed to accommodate the larger 69.4-in.-diameter fan of the CFM Leap-1B engine (which is more than 8 in. larger than the current CFM56-7B on today’s production 737), the engine support strut is cantilevered farther forward and higher than on the 737NG.

The MAX nose gear is lengthened by 8 in. compared with the 737NG to ensure the same ground clearance with the larger engine. Minimum ground clearance beneath the engine at maximum weight will be 1 ft., 11 in.

While the MAX will roll down a new "central" line dedicated to the new model, existing 737NGs continue to be produced at the rate of 42 per month on adjacent "east" and "west" lines. The aircraft seen beyond the cockpit windows of 1A002 is a 737-800 on the "east" line.

The flight deck and large format Rockwell Collins displays come to life in 1A002. The box like structures above the glareshield are for flight-test instrumentation.

Close up of the advanced bifurcated winglet, which is 9 ft. 6 in. high. The low drag device is designed to improve the performance of the MAX without requiring any addition to the current 737’s existing wing span of 117 ft., 10 in.

Ready to roll! Number two test aircraft 1A002 awaits installation of Leap-1B engines. The wingset of 1A003 is visible at the initial line position behind. Boeing selected the "1A" nomenclature for the MAX, having reached the end of the alphabet with the last new aircraft, the 787, which are dubbed "ZA" (787-8), "ZB" (787-9) and "ZC" (787-10).
Read more on the 737 Max unveiling and listen to Aviation Week editors discuss what the reengined airliner means to Boeing and whether Airbus can hold on to the NEO’s 60/40 advantage in orders.