What’s On The Horizon For: Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board

Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board, co-host of Routes Americas 2025, spoke to Routes in Bogota about its thriving inbound tourism and what delegates can expect from the event next year in the Bahamas.

In 2023, Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board experienced a record-breaking year, surpassing visitor number predictions and expectations. Before the pandemic in 2019, the destination saw 7.2 million guests. In 2023, over 9 million visitors traveled to the Bahamas, driven by new routes and direct air services.

Among the new flight options included service growth to Lynden Pindling International Airport (NAS) from the west coast of the U.S. Seasonal service was launched by Alaska Airlines from Los Angeles (LAX) and Seattle, while JetBlue Airways also opened a route from LAX.

Speaking at Routes Americas 2024, Joy Jibrilu, CEO of Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board, discussed opportunities in Latin America. Although NAS has flights to Panama with Copa Airlines, the overall market remains underserved.

Jibrilu highlighted target countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico, stating: “If we could get some Latin America airlift, that would be a game changer for us.” She added that from 2019 to 2023, visitor arrivals from Brazil increased by 40%.

Tourism is a crucial driver for the Bahamian economy. To foster future air network growth, Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board, NAS, and The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation will host Routes Americas 2025.

The event will showcase Nassau’s market potential to decision-makers from airlines, airports, and tourism authorities across the Americas and the world.

Routes Americas 2024
Routes Americas 2024 meeting hall


Routes Americas 2024 is the region's premier platform for airports, airlines and tourism authorities to meet and discuss the air services across both North and Latin America.

Read full coverage from this year's event.