Voting for World Routes Airport Marketing Awards now Open
Manchester, 23 July 2010
Routes is pleased to announce that the voting for this year's World Routes Airport Marketing Awards is officially open. Once again, prominence will be given to the marketing efforts of airports from across the world. There will be acknowledgement and reward for those whom the airlines consider to have excelled and made real impact on their route development plans. Voting will close on Monday, 16th August, and the awards will be presented during the Gala Evening at World Routes on Monday, 20th September.
2,000 airline representatives have been invited to nominate their preferred airports. In making their decisions, the airlines are asked to consider the airports' market research activities, marketing communications, joint communication campaigns with third parties and relationships with their airline partners.
Nigel Mayes, Managing Director of Routes, notes that "the best people to judge the effectiveness of any airport marketing campaign are the airport's primary customers: the airline network planning community. By taking votes directly from airlines, the World Routes Airport Marketing Awards are able to best reflect the success of airports' marketing activities."
Over the course of the Routes regional events season, regional heats for the competition have been held. Declared victorious so far have been Edmonton International Airport, Auckland Airport, Hamburg Airport and Entebbe International Airport. Each of these airports will be automatically shortlisted for their respective geographical categories and will be joined by a further four airports per category who will be nominated exclusively by airlines.
Voting takes place on Routes' official website at Once the votes have been collected, the four highest scoring airports from each geographical region will join the existing winner from the regional heat on the relevant shortlist. These nominees will then be invited to submit a case study to support their nomination, which will be evaluated by a panel of industry experts including both current and former representatives from the airline network planning community.
Click here to view airport profiles and make your nominations.
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Notes to Editors:
About Routes
- World Routes - The World Route Development Forum - is the world renowned annual airline and airport networking event. Routes facilitates and encourages the role of airports in the development of air services through organising global and region specific airline/airport networking forums.
- This year's World Route Development Forum will take place in Vancouver, Canada, 19th-21st September.
- Routes Regional events include Routes Americas, Routes Asia, Routes Europe, Routes Africa and Routes CIS.
- Routes was founded in 1995 by Chairman Mike Howarth as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd., a consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.
- Both companies are now subsidiaries of RDG -The Route Development Group - which is the leading global solutions provider in the strategically important 'route development' sector of air transport.
- In April 2007, Routes also won the prestigious Queen's Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2007. The award, for outstanding business performance and commercial success, recognised Routes' sustained contribution to aviation route development through its innovative Regional and World Route Development Forums.
For further press information please contact Nadine Wenn at:
The Route Development Group (RDG)
T: +44 (0)161 234 2711
113-115 Portland Street
Manchester M1 6DW