UPS to request China frequencies.
Cargo operator UPS has applied for 12 additional US-China frequencies for use in early 2010.
UPS plans to launch the operations as early as 4 January 2010, and is requesting US regulators to grant an immediate allocation of the frequencies. The carrier must file its winter 2009/2010 schedule this month to gain approval from Chinese regulators.
UPS notes that there are 21 unused Chinese all-cargo frequencies currently available between the US and China, with 15 all-cargo frequencies becoming available on 25 March 2010 followed by the availabitliy of unlimited all-cargo frequencies in 2011.
UPS early next year plans to open a new sorting hub at Shenzhen airport to repalce its current facility in the Philippines.
UPS can be contacted on Route Exchange if your airport would like to bid for their service.