Tiger to operate new markets

Tiger Airways has announced plans for new services for its two franchise carriers. Singapore based Tiger Airways will begin new non stop scheduled service between Singapore and Hong Kong, commencing from February 1st 2010 on a twice daily rotation, using a mix of A319 and A320 equipment.

Tiger will face stiff competion on this trunk route with several carriers already operating services. Honk Kong flag carrier operates a 4x daily rotation with larger aircraft type, mixing B777 as well as A330 and A340 aircraft. United Airlines operates a tag from the US between Singapore and Hong Kong with B747-400, Singapore Airlines operates a 2x daily with B777 and the world's largest commercial aircraft the A380. The only other low cost carrier is Jetstar Asia which also operates a daily A320 aircraft.

At the same time, Tiger Airways Australian operation has annouced its intention to operate a daily Adelaide Brisbane service from 28 March 2010. Virgin Blue currently operates a 3x daily, Qantas a 3x daily and Jetstar Airways as 3x weekly service.