TACA group announce new routes.
TACA is launching 3 additional routes in the Winter 2009/10 season, including Lima - Mexico City, San Salvador - Cancun and San Salvador - Roatan.
Schedules are the following:
Lima - Mexico City eff 01NOV09
TA018 LIM1035 - 1535MEX 319 247
TA017 MEX1400 - 2055LIM 319 135
San Salvador - Cancun eff 15NOV09 by LACSA
LR638 SAL0840 - 1010CUN 320 357
LR636 SAL1445 - 1615CUN 320 146
LR639 CUN1115 - 1245SAL 320 357
LR637 CUN1700 - 1830SAL 320 146
San Salvador - Roatan eff 15NOV09
TA216 SAL0900 - 1030RTB ATR D
TA217 RTB1700 - 1830SAL ATR D