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Egyptian Airports report robust performance.

Despite the Crisis, EAC completed a new Year of growth with traffic results as xx on its main international airports. The main markets of EAC (Western and Eastern Europe) were resilient. This situation is the result of 5 Years of intensive efforts to attract new traffic through

  • New investments
  • A partnership with Aéroports De Paris to increase the standards and performance, which resulted into new Organization and procedures to ensure safe and reliable operation for the airlines

In order to keep the momentum and build up further growth EAC is working on a comprehensive plan

  • to increase capacity with new investment (Borg, Assyut, HRG extension, New HRG terminal)
  • to reach a new level of standards with the beginning of the launch of a certification process ISO 9001 first the main airports of HRG and SSH.
  • Last but not least EAC will provide support to airlines which intend to develop their traffic on EAC airports with a specific incentive providing a discount on charges related to net traffic increase