Asian Airports Rewarded At The Second Regional Heat Of The Routes Airport Marketing Awards

Accolades were awarded in five categories: the Indian Sub-Continent, China & North East Asia, the Middle East, South East Asia and Oceania. While Incheon scooped in the China & North East Asia category, Christchurch picked up an award for best airport in Oceania. Abu Dhabi, Kuala Lumpur and Hyderabad were also crowned best of their kind in their respective categories.

The overall winner for the entire Asia Pacific region is Christchurch, which will now be automatically entered into the shortlist for the World Airport Marketing Awards, to be held at World Routes in Beijing from the 13th to the 15th of September this year. There they will compete against winners from the other regional Routes events: Routes Americas (Dallas/Fortworth, as crowned in February this year), Routes Europe (Prague, 17th - 19th May) and Routes Africa (Marrakech, 7th - 9th June).

"Christchurch International Airport is honoured to receive this award and we thank all the airlines who voted for us," said Gareth Owen, General Manager Marketing & Business Development. "We believe our collaborative tourism marketing and route development strategy has been a proven successful method that is now being recognised with this award."

The Routes Airport Marketing Awards for the Asia Pacific region act as a regional heat to the World Airport Marketing Awards at this year's World Routes in Beijing. The awards are the most prestigious in the industry, as they are the only awards based purely on rewarding excellence in route development and nominated only by airlines.

Roll call of winners:

Indian Sub-Continent

Winner: Hyderabad International Airport,

Highly Commended: Bangalore International Airport

China & North East Asia

Winner: Incheon International Airport,

Highly Commended: Kansai International Airport

Middle East

Winner: Abu Dhabi International Airport,

Highly Commended: Sharjah International Airport

South East Asia

Winner: Kuala Lumpur International Airport,

Highly Commended: Singapore Changi Airport


Winner: Christchurch International Airport,

Highly Commended: Auckland Airport, Sydney Airport

Overall Winner

Christchurch International Airport

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