3 easy ways to get more Route Exchange profile views

Being a member of Route Exchange allows you to market your organisation and highlight your brand to a qualified audience of 7,300 route development professionals. It provides the opportunity to share key contacts, business objectives, and airline opportunities with the largest online community of network planners.

Where can my profile appear?

Your Route Exchange profile might appear in more places than you realise.

  • Routesonline Homepage – If recently updated, your profile will appear on the Routesonline homepage.
  • Route Exchange – Your profile will be listed on the Route Exchange page, alongside other members of the community and can be filtered by organisation type and region.
  • Breaking News – When mentioned in a news article written by our editorial team your organisation will be tagged. Your logo and a link to your profile will be featured alongside the article, driving even more traffic to your organisation’s page.
  • Attendee Lists – You will be listed on each event page when your registration has been confirmed.

Whilst your profile appears in several areas of Routesonline, here are three easy ways to drive even more traffic to your Route Exchange profile and increase engagement from your key targets, ahead of a Routes event.

1. Take 5 minutes to update your profile

Update your profile by providing a short overview about your organisation. Be transparent about the opportunities available to your target audience by sharing recent facts and figures or highlighting your objectives for the year.

The content you upload to your profile doesn't necessarily have to be written; rich media content including PDFs, infographics, social media feeds, videos or presentations can convey your brand and key messages in a more creative way.

By uploading presentations delivered at Routes events, you can ensure that your message is consistent when attending meetings and continuing conversations after a Routes event.

Short but frequent updates will ensure that your profile is regularly highlighted both on the Routesonline homepage and the main Route Exchange page, which prioritises the most recent profiles that have been updated.

Hamburg Airport

2. Write a community news post

Members benefit from unlimited news posts with the added feature of profile analytics to see who has read an article or viewed your profile.

Writing a news post couldn't be easier. Share your latest passenger numbers, airport developments, aircraft orders, product reviews, press releases, and more. For the best results keep your content creative, original and relevant!

Up to five community news articles are selected to feature in the Routes Daily Digest, delivered to over 33,000 subscribers. By consistently communicating your market opportunities and achievements, you can maximise the chances of securing meetings with your target airlines at Routes events.

Community News Routes Digest

3. Deliver targeted emails

Targeted content will always deliver the best quality of traffic to a profile. Tailored emails guarantee that your profile and message are delivered to the right audience at the right time, to further increase engagement of your profile.

Members regularly updating their profiles can send up to five customised emails a year targeted to a specific region, country, organisation type, or job seniority. Detailed reports on campaign performance will also allow you to adapt your approach and gain insights into which of your key targets are engaging with your brand.

Geneve Airport Email Campaign

We're here to help!

If you would like any help updating your profile or would like to discuss how you can better take advantage of this unique opportunity to raise your profile within our community, speak to a member of the Route Exchange team. For further assistance on how to make the most of your RX membership please contact the team or visit the Help Centre to learn more about the features you could leverage.

Routes 360

Routes 360 is a powerful digital platform designed for the aviation community, allowing them to build brand presence, promote route opportunities, communicate key messages to engaged contacts, and access the most up-to-date industry information.<\/p>
Empower your route development strategy today.