SkyWest Seeks Part 135 Status To Beef Up Pilot Pipeline

SkyWest aircraft in flight
SkyWest Charter plans to grow its fleet of modified CRJ200s to 18 aircraft by the spring of 2023.
Credit: Panther Media GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo
When SkyWest Airlines announced plans to end service to 29 small U.S. cities in March, citing a shortage of pilots, CEO Chip Childs said he was “eager” to explore ways to resume the routes that could also address the pilot shortfall. But how is that possible? A recent proposal could offer a path...
Ben Goldstein

Based in Boston, Ben covers advanced air mobility and is managing editor of Aviation Week Network’s AAM Report.

SkyWest Seeks Part 135 Status To Beef Up Pilot Pipeline is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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