Avolon Expects Multiyear Time Frame For Boeing Recovery

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"The Boeing team is very focused on the operational issues, [on] production," Avolon CEO Andy Cronin says. "But they are also focused on establishing a footprint in the high-growth markets where, frankly, Airbus [has] a larger market share, whether that is China or India." 

Credit: John Keeble/Getty Images
Andy Cronin, 43, took over as CEO of aircraft lessor Avolon from predecessor Domhnal Slattery last October, after having served as the company’s chief financial officer since its founding in 2010. Avolon has quickly risen to the top of the leasing industry through acquisitions and direct orders. The...
Jens Flottau

Based in Frankfurt, Germany, Jens is executive editor and leads Aviation Week Network’s global team of journalists covering commercial aviation.

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