Airlines Close In On Large Aircraft Orders Ahead Of Paris Air Show

aircraft on tarmac

The replacement of existing fleets should be a strong driver of orders expected to emerge at the Paris Air Show.

Turkish Airlines Chairman Ahmet Bolat had to disappoint his audience. The plan had been for his airline to make a big splash by announcing at least part of a megaorder for about 600 aircraft at the International Air Transport Association Annual General Meeting in Istanbul on June 4-6. Instead, Bolat...
Jens Flottau

Based in Frankfurt, Germany, Jens is executive editor and leads Aviation Week Network’s global team of journalists covering commercial aviation.

Lori Ranson

Lori covers North American and Latin airlines for Aviation Week and is also a Senior Analyst for CAPA - Centre for Aviation.

Helen Massy-Beresford

Based in Paris, Helen Massy-Beresford covers European and Middle Eastern airlines, the European Commission’s air transport policy and the air cargo industry for Aviation Week & Space Technology and Aviation Daily.

Adrian Schofield

Adrian is a senior air transport editor for Aviation Week, based in New Zealand. He covers commercial aviation in the Asia-Pacific region.

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