Northrop CEO On The ‘Most Significant Engineering Feat Of Our Time’

Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy Warden
Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy Warden stresses that the company has defined and developed more new aircraft than its peers.
Credit: Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy Warden spoke with Aviation Week Pentagon Editor Brian Everstine on the eve of the Global Air Chiefs’ Conference in London, held July 13-14, where she anticipated talking with top military minds about global security in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how...
Brian Everstine

Brian Everstine is the Pentagon Editor for Aviation Week, based in Washington, D.C. Before joining Aviation Week in August 2021, he covered the Pentagon for Air Force Magazine. Brian began covering defense aviation in 2011 as a reporter for Military Times.

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