Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Developer Sees Long-Term Potential

Verdego hybrid-electric powerplant on runway

VerdeGo and the FAA are finalizing the Part 33 certification basis for the 185-kW VH-3-185 hybrid powerplant.

Credit: VerdeGo
A few years ago, when Tesla’s market valuation seemed to have no ceiling—and Ford and General Motors were pouring billions of dollars into electric vehicle development to catch up—Toyota was sticking defiantly with its hybrid-electric lineup. Now electric vehicle (EV) adoption growth has slowed, and...
Garrett Reim

Based in the Seattle area, Garrett covers the space sector and advanced technologies that are shaping the future of aerospace and defense, including space startups, advanced air mobility and artificial intelligence.

Graham Warwick

Graham leads Aviation Week's coverage of technology, focusing on engineering and technology across the aerospace industry, with a special focus on identifying technologies of strategic importance to aviation, aerospace and defense.

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