Flying Whale Selects Honeywell-Pratt For Airship Power

LCA60T’s propulsion and flight control system

The LCA60T’s propulsion and flight control system is designed to enable precise maneuvering even with payloads of 60 metric tons and outsize loads such as wind turbine blades.

Credit: Flying Whales
As engine-makers and power companies prepare for a more hybrid-electric future, some are finding surprising applications of their new technology—not in advanced and urban air mobility, but in the revitalized airship sector. Two entrants into the lighter-than-air market have been among the first to...
Guy Norris

Guy is a Senior Editor for Aviation Week, covering technology and propulsion. He is based in Colorado Springs.

Flying Whale Selects Honeywell-Pratt For Airship Power is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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