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The Exploration Co. To Provide Cargo Services To Vast’s Space Station

Nyx cargo vehicle above Earth
Credit: The Exploration Co.

Private space station developer Vast Space has signed a cargo services agreement with The Exploration Co. of Munich.

The agreement follows a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that Vast of Long Beach, California, recently signed with the European Space Agency (ESA) to collaborate on astronaut missions, research and commercial business development. As part of that agreement, Vast would also look at using European cargo and crew transport services at market rates or as an in-kind trade for ESA astronaut missions.

The Exploration Co. is developing a reusable space capsule, called Nyx, that would be used to supply cargo to Vast’s second Haven space station in 2028, per the agreement, The Exploration Co. said on June 11. The Nyx cargo vehicle is expected to carry more than 4,000 kg (8,800 lb.) to low Earth orbit (LEO) and bring back to Earth more than 2,600 kg. The Exploration Co. plans to charge $150 million for each resupply cargo mission to an LEO space station, its website says.

“Vast is excited to partner with The Exploration Co. as we strengthen our collaboration with European industry and enable human space exploration with ESA-member space agencies such as [The German Aerospace Center],” Vast CEO Max Haot says.

Vast and SpaceX in May 2023 announced a plan to launch Haven-1 as soon as August 2025. The commercial space station would feature the ability to spin and generate enough centripetal force to create the equivalent of gravity on the Moon. The space station would rely partially on the SpaceX Dragon capsule’s life support system to sustain a crew for 30 days.

European space missions could begin flying to Vast’s space station as soon as 2026, Vast has said.

With the International Space Station retiring in 2030, space agencies are looking to private station developers to host their research and development projects in LEO. In addition to space agencies, private station developers are looking to an emerging market of businesses for conducting research and development, as well as manufacturing, in microgravity.

Garrett Reim

Based in the Seattle area, Garrett covers the space sector and advanced technologies that are shaping the future of aerospace and defense, including space startups, advanced air mobility and artificial intelligence.