Ad Astra Hits Milestone In Test Of Novel, High-power Electric Rocket

Ad Astra’s Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Following an 88-hr. 80-kW run, the Vasimr is ready for its next test.
Credit: Ad Astra
Ad Astra Rocket Co. reached another milestone in its long-running quest to develop an electric propulsion capability to hasten the human exploration of Mars, tug cargos across cislunar space, round up the most worrisome orbital debris, deflect asteroid-impact threats as well as reboost, refuel and...
Mark Carreau

Mark is based in Houston, where he has written on aerospace for more than 25 years. While at the Houston Chronicle, he was recognized by the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Foundation in 2006 for his professional contributions to the public understanding of America's space program through news reporting.

Ad Astra Hits Milestone In Test Of Novel, High-power Electric Rocket is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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