Achieving Earlier Virtual Integration Of Aircraft Systems
The aviation industry needs a major paradigm shift. Addressing the challenges related to air traffic demand requires radical new technologies and concepts. These future air transportation concepts are essential to help manage climate change and traffic congestion issues as well as increased safety and security requirements. As the world economy becomes more interconnected, industry players must work together to develop the best possible concepts for future generations.
Model-based design with aircraft system simulation closes the loop between the physical and digital world, enabling collaborative engineering processes throughout the extended enterprise of the aviation industry. Tools are available to help the industry initiate the engineering methodology shift for engineers to represent all the physics in an aircraft, such as structural, mechanical, fluid, electrical and thermal, and simulate their dynamic interactions. These tools address the component level up to the system level and can be integrated into a product lifecycle management process. Download this white paper to learn how a virtual integrated aircraft (VIA) approach helps accelerate aircraft systems engineering.