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Aviation Week & Space Technology July 28, 2014



Mississippi Air Guard’s Cost-Effective Training

Jul 29, 2014
One of the better-kept training secrets in the Air National Guard is becoming harder to ignore—the Mississippi ANG’s Combat Readiness Training Center (CRTC) in and around Gulfport.

USAF’s 'Care In The Air' Exceeds Expectations

Jul 28, 2014
Doctors and nurses are increasingly working at the forefront of battlefields



Time/Travel Route Change?

Jul 28, 2014
Perhaps reader Donald Peterson (AW&ST July 21, p. 9) has confused the current Orion space capsule with the 1950s/60s era Project Orion, an interstellar spacecraft powered by detonating atomic bombs and riding the blast waves, which is, I’m fairly certain, what reader Jeremiah Farmer was referring to (AW&ST June 30, p. 8). A 1968 study by Freeman Dyson (ow.ly/zt7jm) calculated possible speeds of up to 10,000 kps., thus making a one-way trip to Alpha Centauri take ∼90 years, with no slowdown at the other end.

Plan Now For Then

Jul 28, 2014
Frank Morring, Jr.’s “Exploration Election” (AW&ST June 23, p. 18) deserves careful attention. The 2016 presidential election may result in establishing a dismal NASA strategy that will endure for years.

Spoiler Alert

Jul 28, 2014
Reader Kenneth Madl spoke eloquently of “Lockheed’s Earlier ‘Magic,’” (AW&ST July 21, p. 8). But I would like to offer one small correction: The Direct Lift Control on Lockheed L-1011s used the spoilers, not the slats, to vary the lift on the wing on landing approach. If landing flaps of 33 or 42 deg. were selected, the spoilers would deploy approximately 25% and modulate up or down, depending on yoke or autopilot pitch input.

A Picture Is Worth . . .

Jul 28, 2014

Downbeat in Seattle

Jul 28, 2014
The recent interview of Boeing CEO James McNerney (AW&ST July 14, p. 62) was disappointing, especially compared with SpaceX founder Elon Musk’s vision. It sounded like Boeing was ready to throw in the towel. If there is ever going to be a breakthrough in science, technology, flight and whatever is beyond, it will come from outside of our two traditional airframe manufacturers. SpaceX? Possibly, but it could emerge from an entity none of us know of yet.

Who's Where


Vector Aerospace Helicopter Services-North America

Jul 28, 2014
Craig Pluim has been named sales director for Vector Aerospace Helicopter Services-North America, Richmond, British Columbia. He was a regional sales director for Heli-One and had been director of maintenance/general manager for Arctic Air Service Inc.

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Jul 28, 2014
Patrick Neary (see photos) has been promoted to vice president-engineering for the Northrop Grumman Corp.’s Redondo Beach, California-based Aerospace Systems sector unmanned systems programs from director of systems integration and test and evaluation.


Jul 28, 2014
Robin Coackley has become an account manager for U.K.-based Envitia. He was an executive with Exelis and has been a member on the Geological Remote Sensing Group.


Jul 28, 2014
David Read has been appointed vice president-sales for Europe, the Middle East and Africa for Atlanta-based Maintag. He was director of business development for Europe for Xerafy.

Gebruder Weiss

Jul 28, 2014
Stefan Eberl has been named Central and Eastern European sales manager for air and sea freight solutions at Vienna-based Gebruder Weiss.

Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Jul 28, 2014
Sean I. McCormack has been named vice president-communications for Seattle-based Boeing Commercial Airplanes, succeeding Mark G. Hooper, who plans to retire Sept. 1. McCormack has been Boeing’s corporate vice president-communications for government operations in Washington. Anne C.

FlightSafety International

Jul 28, 2014
Todd Bitgood (see photo) has been promoted to manager of FlightSafety International’s Learning Center in Long Beach, California, from assistant manager of the St. Louis Learning Center. He succeeds Pete Nily, who has become a regional director of training operations.

SR Technics

Jul 28, 2014
Christina Johansson has become chief financial officer of Zurich-based SR Technics. She succeeds Angelo Quabba, who is leaving the company. Johansson was vice president-finance at the Poyry Energy Business Group of Switzerland.


Jul 28, 2014
USAF Col. Michael Norton has become commander of the Eastern Air Defense Sector of the New York National Guard at the Griffiss Business and Technology Park in Rome. He was chief of the National Guard Bureau International Affairs Div. of the Strategic Plans, Policy and International Affairs Directorate in Washington.

Unison Industries

Jul 28, 2014
Giovanni Spitale (see photo) has been appointed president of Unison Industries, Jacksonville, Florida. He was general manager for GE Aviation’s Flight Efficiency Services and was its global C919 program leader in Shanghai.


Jul 28, 2014
Norbert Kuhrt (see photo) has been appointed vice president-sales of Thales subsidiary Sysgo, Mainz, Germany.

Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.

Jul 28, 2014
Darrell Frey has been named director of international service center operations for the Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., Savannah, Georgia, and Thomas Anderson director of product support for its site at Long Beach (California) Airport. Frey was director of regional service center operations, while Anderson was director of final phase operations for the G550 and G450.

Raytheon Atheeb Systems Ltd.

Jul 28, 2014
Kimberly Kerry, vice president-C4I systems for the Middle East and North America for Raytheon, is among the members of the board of directors named for Raytheon Atheeb Systems Ltd., the Saudi Arabia joint venture of the Raytheon Co. and Pannesma Co. Ltd.

L-3 Communications

Jul 28, 2014
Kevin Weiss (see photo) has become vice president-human resources for L-3 Communications of New York. He was senior vice president-human resources for for L-3 Aerospace Systems.

Parsons Brinckerhoff

Jul 28, 2014
Charles Reed (see photo) has become a supervising communications and security engineer for airport and other transit facilities in the New York office of Parsons Brinckerhoff.

West Star Aviation

Jul 28, 2014
Terry Lutrick has been appointed sales manager for California, Nevada and Arizona, and Ed Henry sales manager for the Mid-Atlantic U.S., both for West Star Aviation, East Alton, Illinois.

Who's Where: Honors and Elections


Louisville (Kentucky) Regional Airport Authority

Jul 28, 2014
Jim Welch has been appointed chairman of the Louisville (Kentucky) Regional Airport Authority board of directors. He was vice chairman and has been succeeded by Phil Lynch. Jon Meyer has been reelected secretary-treasurer. Welch is vice chairman of the Brown-Forman Corp. and Lynch is its vice president-corporate communications. Meyer is partner/chairman of Jones, Nale and Mattingly, certified public accountants.

Air Charter Safety Foundation

Jul 28, 2014
David Hewitt, executive vice president for safety of Wheels Up, has been named chairman of the Alexandria, Virginia-based Air Charter Safety Foundation. Greg Kinsella, president/CEO of Key Air, is the new vice chairman. Hewitt succeeds Jeff Baum, president/CEO of Wisconsin Aviation.

The World


Hachey Out as Bombardier Restructures

Jul 28, 2014
Bombardier is restructuring its aerospace unit and creating three stand-alone segments in a surprise move that includes the sudden “retirement” of Bombardier Aerospace President and Chief Operating Officer Guy Hachey (see photo). The Canadian transportation giant will be reorganized into a new aerostructures and engineering services segment and the existing divisions for commercial aircraft and business aircraft. The heads of all three businesses will report to Bombardier Inc. President and CEO Pierre Beaudoin “effective immediately,” the company said July 23.

Taiwan Probes ATR 72 Landing Accident

Jul 28, 2014
Taiwan is investigating the crash of a TransAsia Airways ATR 72 in weather that was bad but considered acceptable for the landing that the pilots were attempting. Of 58 people aboard, 48 died. The aircraft crashed short of the runway at Makong in the Penghu Islands at 7:30 p.m. local time July 23 after a flight from Kaohsiung. The pilots were making their second landing attempt. Although a typhoon had passed over Taiwan that day, weather reports showed that conditions on the Penghu Islands were quite suitable for landing, the Civil Aeronautics Administration told Reuters.

MD-83 Operated for Air Algerie Crashes in Mali

Jul 28, 2014
An MD-83 operating on behalf of Air Algerie crashed in Mali on July 24. Contact was lost 50 min. after takeoff from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and the aircraft went down around 70 km (44 mi.) from the city of Gao, according to Air Algerie. Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita told Reuters on July 24 that wreckage was spotted between the northern towns of Aguelhoc and Kidal.

End of an ATV Era

Jul 28, 2014
An Ariane 5 ES rocket is scheduled to launch Europe’s fifth and final Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-5) to the International Space Station July 29, after commercial launch services provider Arianespace performed additional checks on a subsystem inside the launcher’s Vehicle Equipment Bay (VEB). Previously slated to launch July 24, liftoff is now scheduled for 8:44:03 p.m. local time from Europe’s Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana.

Commercial Mars Orbiters

Jul 28, 2014
NASA wants information on the possible use of privately owned spacecraft orbiting Mars to relay data back from future rovers as a commercial service. With its final planned scientific orbiter scheduled to reach Mars in September, the agency issued a request for information seeking ideas for private spacecraft that would collect data from unspecified future robotic missions to Mars and relay it back to Earth, perhaps with high-bandwidth laser communications links.

Commercial Customer?

Jul 28, 2014
Sierra Nevada Corp. and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plan to work together to find potential uses—and alternative launchers—for the U.S. company’s Dream Chaser lifting-body commercial crew and cargo spacecraft. Under a “memorandum of cooperative understanding,” Sierra Nevada and JAXA will study “potential applications of Japanese technologies and the development of mission concepts for the Dream Chaser spacecraft,” the company says.

No Gripen for Denmark

Jul 28, 2014
Sweden has decided not to make a formal offer of the Saab JAS 39E/F Gripen to Denmark because Sweden believes its neighbor’s requirement is loaded in favor of the Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighter. The Swedish FXM defense export agency announced on July 21 that it would not bid, leaving the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in a contest against the F-35A. The decision follows “a comprehensive assessment that the state and the industry have made together,” according to FXM Director-General Ulf Hammarstrom.

India Fighter Deal Advances

Jul 28, 2014
India says the offer of Dassault Aviation for transfer of technology in the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) deal is fully compliant to the specified requirements and negotiations are progressing to finalize the purchase of 126 Rafale fighters. The Indian air force hopes the deal will be completed during the fiscal year that ends March 31. “If that happens, we will probably start receiving the aircraft from late 2016 or early 2017,” says an air force official. For MMRCA, the defense ministry has been in contract negotiations with Dassault for about 20 months.

Boeing Harnessing Problem with KC-46 Tanker

Jul 28, 2014
Boeing is tackling previously undisclosed development issues with wiring bundles on the KC-46A tanker for the U.S. Air Force, but says the problems are “well understood” and will not cause significant delays to the pivotal defense program. The wiring issues have forced Boeing to redesign and reengineer harnesses throughout parts of the military derivative of the 767, and the additional work triggered a one-time $272 million second-quarter after-tax charge.



Web Address Untangled

Jul 28, 2014
The Inside Business Aviation column featuring the Corporate Angel Network in the July 14 issue (page 28) contained an erroneous web address for the organization. The correct address is: www.corpangelnetwork.org

Up Front


Airlines Forced To Revisit Their Freight Strategies

Jul 30, 2014
How an industry went from growth leader to laggard

Commander's Intent


Opinion: Missing Shows Points To Bigger JSF Problems

Jul 28, 2014
F-35 reliability is about more than Farnborough

Inside Business Aviation


Others Following Nextant’s Remanufacturing Gamble

Jul 29, 2014
Proven performance—priced right—succeeds

Airline Intel


Farnborough Deals Point To Changing MRO Market

Jul 28, 2014
MRO deals underscore provider diversification and OEM aspirations

In Orbit


New Horizons To Reach Pluto Next Summer

Jul 29, 2014
Pluto flyby likely to expand the Solar System

Washington Outlook


TSA Chief Says Aviation Security Threats Are Greater

Jul 28, 2014
Though it was apparently a ground-based air defense system that shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (see page 23), shorter-range man-portable air defense systems (Manpads) are still a top concern for the TSA. Administrator John Pistole lists the threat of Manpads to arriving and departing flights at foreign airports as among his top aviation security concerns. The U.S. has good control of airport perimeter security, but not all foreign airports have assessed the vulnerabilities of their airports, he says.

NASA Falling Short Of Funds For 2017 SLS Debut

Jul 28, 2014
It is all but certain that NASA’s heavy-lift Space Launch System (SLS) will miss its first flight, scheduled for the end of 2017. NASA is 90% sure the 70-ton SLS will be delayed and thinks it will need $400 million to cover the estimated six-month slip.

Hagel Seeks To Speed Iron Dome Production

Jul 28, 2014
With attacks on Israel so intense that the FAA temporarily banned U.S. airline flights to Tel Aviv, the U.S. is looking to speed production of the Iron Dome system credited with protecting the Israeli populace from Hamas rocket strikes. Congress has already recommended doubling the administration’s $176 million request for Iron Dome, suggesting another $175 million to offset the costs of starting U.S. production of the system. Now Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has asked Congress for still more funding: $225 million to produce components for the Rafael system.



Inside China’s First Rimpac Naval Exercise

Jul 28, 2014
Asian giant makes a splash at an international exercise

South Korean Joint Chiefs: Two Engines For KF-X

Jul 30, 2014
South Korean military raises stakes for the country’s proposed indigenous fighter

Japanese Licenses Open Military Supply Spigot

Jul 30, 2014
Japan’s policy change on arms exports opens opportunities for foreign partners

Japan Sharing Advanced Seeker Technology For Meteor

Jul 29, 2014
Europe’s Meteor may get Japan’s advanced AESA seeker



Has Airbus Reduced Its Ambitions For X4?

Jul 30, 2014
Rather than a technological game-changer, Airbus’s X4 will be aimed at meeting expectations



New Tool For Space Exploration: Onboard 3-D Printer

Jul 28, 2014
Challenges abound, but off-planet manufacturing can expedite exploration

Air Transport


Air NZ Eyes Savings With Fleet Overhaul

Jul 28, 2014
Air New Zealand taps latest Boeing and Airbus offerings to overhaul its international fleet

How Royal Brunei Aims To Climb To Profitability

Jul 28, 2014
Royal Brunei bets on lifestyle-focused offering to distinguish itself from the competition

Airbus A350-900 In Route-Proving Test Phase

Jul 28, 2014
Airbus Advances: Hawaiian opts for A330neo; A350 clears pre-certification testing

Face to Face


IAI Chief Pushes Space Ambitions

Jul 28, 2014
During the Farnborough International Airshow this month, Israel Aerospace Industries CEO and President Joseph Weiss talked with Paris Bureau Chief Amy Svitak, about plans to expand the company’s presence in the global space sector with exports of remote-sensing and communications satellites.

Farnborough 2014


Strong Showing For Turboprops At Farnborough

Jul 30, 2014
Orders pour in for current turboprop models, but launch of larger 90-seat version remains elusive

Facts And Quips From Farnborough 2014

Jul 28, 2014
Notable and Quotable

Aerospace Calendar


Upcoming Events

Jul 28, 2014
Aug. 21-22—Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Worldwide UAS Workshop. Daytona Beach, Florida. See proed.erau.edu or email [email protected]. Aug. 22—54th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Aerospace Medicine. Bangalore. www.isam.in Aug. 25—Ninth Asia-Pacific Congress of Aerospace Medicine. Beijing. www.apfama.org/2014

Conferences & Exhibitions

Jul 28, 2014
Aug. 10-12—Executive Intelligence Summit, Middleburg, Virginia. Sept. 23-24—Brazing Symposium. Arizona. Oct. 7-9—MRO Europe, Madrid. Nov. 4-6—MRO Asia, Singapore. Nov. 19-20—A&D Programs, Litchfield Park, Arizona. Jan. 13-14—MRO Latin America, Argentina. Feb. 2-3—MRO Middle East, Dubai. April 14-16—MRO Americas, Miami.



Opinion: Abolish the Air Force

Jul 31, 2014
Institutionally speaking, we are living in 1947.