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Magazine Issue

Aviation Week & Space Technology September 29, 2014

Future of Space Cooperation


Space Cooperation Continues Despite Geopolitics

Sep 29, 2014
Intra-nation tensions related to Ukraine situation and other matters have left space partnerships relatively unscathed

Flat Space Budgets Make Cooperation Tricky

Sep 30, 2014
Export controls on space hardware and competition for public funds further complicate space cooperation.

Civil Space Using More Public-Private Partnerships

Sep 29, 2014
Following the ISS model, civil space agencies are tapping private partners for spaceflight developments

China Finding Its Way Into World Space Community

Sep 29, 2014
The Chinese space station is offering a range of opportunities for international coooperation

Up Front


Commentary: Liberal Victory, Garneau Reelection Are Keys For Space

Sep 29, 2014
For Canada’s space sector, a new government, especially one led by the Liberals, would boost the program.

Commander's Intent


Opinion: Nuclear Deterrence Back On The Policy Menu

Sep 29, 2014
The nuclear establishment is returning from a long procurement holiday

Inside Business Aviation


Cessna Plant Hails Milestone Aircraft, Thanks To Hard-Fought Law

Sep 29, 2014
Kansas plant produces its 10,000th single-engine aircraft.

Airline Intel


Delta-Virgin Atlantic JV Brings Fresh Competition To Transatlantic

Sep 29, 2014
The airline is adding capacity on routes with the most financial upswing

In Orbit


Amazon.com Billionaire Wants to Leave His Mark on Space

Sep 29, 2014
Blue Origin, the startup space company endowed by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, has generated a fair amount of smoke and fire at its West Texas test site, but very little publicity.

Washington Outlook


Sierra Nevada Vows To Complete Dream Chaser

Sep 29, 2014
Sierra Nevada Corp. is not happy about its loss to Boeing and SpaceX in the competition for federal funds to complete commercial human vehicles to take crews to the International Space Station (ISS), but it plans to keep building its reusable lifting-body spaceplane and use it to compete for the next round of ISS commercial cargo-delivery contracts NASA awards.

The World


ATK Develops Solid-Fuel RD-180 Replacement

Sep 29, 2014
Concepts for replacing the Russian-built RD-180 rocket engine presented to the U.S. Air Force last week include a solid-fuel concept developed by ATK, drawing on heritage from the company’s space shuttle and national security product lines.

Embraer Rolls Out First USAF Super Tucano

Sep 29, 2014
After years of bitter competitions, Embraer has finally established a U.S. foothold for production of defense systems stateside with the rollout of its first A-29 Super Tucano for sale to the U.S. Air Force.

First Flight for A320neo

Sep 29, 2014
Four years after its launch, the Airbus A320neo has completed its first flight. The aircraft landed back at Toulouse’s Blagnac airport at 2:22 p.m. local time on Sept. 25 after 2 hr. and 22 min.

SpaceX Delivers to ISS

Sep 29, 2014
A temporarily reduced crew of three on the International Space Station—pending arrival on a Soyuz capsule late Sept. 25 EDT of three new crewmates that was launched earlier that day—grappled the fourth SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule to reach the orbiting outpost under the company’s $1.6 billion, 12-flight contract with NASA. Astronauts used the station’s robotic arm early Sept. 23 to catch the vehicle with its 4,885-lb. cargo as it rendezvoused with the orbiting science laboratory, and berthed it to the U.S.-segment Harmony module.

Playing Nice

Sep 29, 2014
The U.S. Strategic Command has finally signed a data-sharing agreement with key allies that is designed to streamline the process of gathering information from orbiting satellites and providing space situational awareness to foreign operators. “Such information is crucial for launch support, satellite maneuver planning, support for on-orbit anomalies, electromagnetic interference reporting and investigation, satellite decommissioning activities and on-orbit conjunction assessments,” command officials say. The agreement was signed Sept. 23.

South Korea Orders F-35s

Sep 29, 2014
South Korea and the U.S. government have completed negotiations on South Korea’s order for 40 Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighters, according to the South Korean government. The negotiations covered price, offsets and technical details, and opened the way for South Korea to sign a letter of offer and acceptance for the new aircraft. Deliveries are expected between 2018 and 2021.

Comac Assembling First C919

Sep 29, 2014
Final assembly of the first Comac C919 narrowbody airliner has begun, with the joining of the forward and center fuselage sections at the Chinese state manufacturer’s new plant at Shanghai. While assembling the aircraft, due to fly next year, Comac says it is also working on the development of onboard systems. The exact time planned for next year’s first flight has not been disclosed, but it is probably late in the year.

Collins Cockpit for MA700

Sep 29, 2014
Avic expects to wrap up supplier selection for the MA700 by the middle of October, following its choice of the Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion avionics suite for the cockpit of the 78-seat turboprop. Pratt & Whitney Canada and GE’s Dowty will supply the MA700’s engines and propellers, respectively.

More Money

Sep 29, 2014
Financial analysts at RBC Capital Markets expect Lockheed Martin to soon announce a 15% increase in its planned dividend payment to shareholders to $6.12 a share, as well as increased stock buyback plans. Share buybacks and dividend payouts are at record highs for aerospace and defense companies, as well as across Western stock markets.

NetJets To Charter in China

Sep 29, 2014
NetJets is to begin providing charter services within China following receipt of an air operator’s certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The Chinese equivalent of FAA Part 135 approval allows NetJets Business Aviation Ltd. to provide ad-hoc charter service with its initial fleet of two Hawker 800s based in Zhuhai. NetJets’ Chinese arm plans to offer aircraft management and block charter as the next steps.



Obituary: Soviet Space Pioneer Oleg Ivanovsky Dies

Sep 29, 2014
Oleg Ivanovsky, a Soviet space-technology pioneer who helped design Sputnik 1 and bolted Yuri Gagarin into the Vostok capsule he also helped to design before the historic first human spaceflight, has died, according to the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. He was 92. The time and place of his death were not announced.

Business Aviation


Airbus Skills To Help Aerion Fly Supersonic Business Jets

Sep 29, 2014
Airbus is sending military-aircraft engineers to help Aerion with development and certification of its supersonic business jet

Air Transport


Growing Concerns About Aircraft Demand

Sep 29, 2014
Many industry executives expect some kind of downward correction to demand with a corresponding rise in aircraft cancellations or postponements.

New Designs Emerge For Tamper-proof Avionics

Sep 29, 2014
In the wake of MH370, designers work toward securing avionics systems

New JetBlue CEO Could More Aggressively Chase Revenue

Sep 29, 2014
Change in management at JetBlue could see fees for amenities being enacted

Anatomy Of Two Upset Recovery Training Providers

Sep 29, 2014
U.S. training schools offer distinctly different approaches to upset training

Air France-KLM Pulls Back On Transavia Europe, Leaving Strategy In Limbo

Sep 29, 2014
Pilot unions’ demands in Europe could spell the demise of Air France-KLM



F-22’s First Kill: Terrorist Facility In Syria

Sep 29, 2014
After $79 billion dollars of work and nearly 10 years of operational use without a kill, the stealthy, twin-engine F-22 has finally destroyed its first target in a conflict.

Ukraine Crisis Prompts Call For More European Cruise Missiles

Sep 29, 2014
Given regional tensions, most European nations hope to shore up supply of cruise missiles

Pentagon’s ‘Combat Cloud’ Concept Taking Shape

Sep 29, 2014
Goal is to form an overarching network of data, each platform a node contributing information to the cloud and downloading from it, even in the heat of battle.

Army JMR/FVL Director Calls For Affordability

Sep 29, 2014
U.S. Army ponders whether to develop an all-new advanced rotorcraft or put its workhorse Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk through yet another major upgrade

Boeing, Northrop Grumman Offer AEW&C For Japan

Sep 29, 2014
For a country of its size, Japan seems to have a lot of airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.

Denmark Looks To Boost Greenland Defenses

Sep 29, 2014
While world attention is focused on Ukraine and Iraq, the nations surrounding the Arctic Circle have been quietly flexing their polar muscle.



FAA Issues Recommendations On Spacecraft Development

Sep 29, 2014
The FAA’s new “best practices” manual draws on its 100 years of aviation safety lessons learned



Editorial: U.S., China Should Cooperate In Space

Sep 30, 2014
It is time for the U.S. and Russia to bring China inside the space tent.

Editorial: Pilots Will Share Blame If Air France Folds

Sep 29, 2014
If Air France one day goes the way of Pan Am, its pilots will have to share the blame.



Limit The Light

Sep 29, 2014
"LED Astray" (AW&ST Sept. 22, p. 28) is timely. I’ve found the green taxi lights at Denver International Airport to be too bright. After landing, we asked ground control if they could dim them and were told that they were as dim as they could be. We were also told that many such complaints are lodged.

Who's Where


Flight Safety Foundation

Sep 29, 2014
Greg Marshall (see photo) has been appointed acting vice president-global programs for the Alexandria, Virginia-based Flight Safety Foundation. He was director of FSF’s Basic Aviation Risk Standard program in the Melbourne, Florida, office. Marshall succeeds Rudy Quevedo, who is now director of safety at the International Air Transport Association.

Austrian Airlines

Sep 29, 2014
Andreas Otto (see photo) has been appointed chief commercial officer of Austrian Airlines, effective Oct. 1. He has been executive board member for product and sales at Lufthansa Cargo. Otto succeeds Karsten Benz, who will become group infrastructure officer for Austrian parent Lufthansa Group.

Airlines for America

Sep 29, 2014
Paul Archambeault has been promoted to senior vice president/chief financial and operating officer from CFO for Washington-based Airlines for America.

Lufthansa Technik

Sep 29, 2014
Johannes Bussmann has been named chairman of the executive board of Lufthansa Technik, effective April 1. He will succeed August Wilhelm Henningsen, who plans to retire. Bussmann has been the board member responsible for human resources, engine and VIP services.

Paramount Aviation Resources Group

Sep 29, 2014
Phillip J. Cagnassola, a member of the board of directors, has become a minority partner in the Paramount Aviation Resources Group, Fredericksburg, Virginia.


Sep 29, 2014
Silvano Cassano has been appointed CEO and Ariodante Valeri chief commercial officer of Alitalia. Cassano has been chairman/CEO of shipping company Grandi Navi Veloci, CEO of Benetton Group and CEO of Fiat Auto Financial and Consumer Services. Valeri has been general manager at Grandi Navi Veloci and president/CEO of Targa Services at Gruppo Fiat Auto.

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

Sep 29, 2014
Chin Feng (see photo) has been named CEO of the Hong Kong branch of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, effective Nov. 1. He has been regional manager for financial lines in Asia at the Singapore branch and succeeds Mark Mitchell, who has been appointed regional CEO in Singapore.

Syphax Airlines

Sep 29, 2014
Christian Blanc has become CEO of Tunisia-based Syphax Airlines. He is a former chief executive of Air France and later was an adviser to Middle East Airlines. Blanc succeeds Syphax founder Mohamed Frikha, who has resigned.

Southwest Airlines

Sep 29, 2014
Joe Migis has been promoted to vice president-technology for product solutions from senior director of product solutions at Southwest Airlines.

Rockwell Collins

Sep 29, 2014
Jeffrey D. MacLauchlan (see photo) has been appointed senior vice president-corporate development for Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He succeeds Barry Abzug, who plans to retire in December. MacLauchlan held the same position at the Lockheed Martin Corp.

Aerojet Rocketdyne

Sep 29, 2014
Jerrol “Jay” Littles has been named to lead Aerojet Rocketdyne’s new Advanced Hydrocarbon Propulsion Development Office in Huntsville, Alabama.

B/E Aerospace

Sep 29, 2014
Mary M. “Meg” VanDeWeghe has been named to the board of directors B/E Aerospace, Wellington, Florida. She is president/CEO of Forte Consulting Inc. and a professor of the practice of finance at Georgetown University’s -McDonough School of Business. VanDeWeghe has been a senior vice president-finance at the Lockheed Martin Corp.

Jet Aviation Singapore

Sep 29, 2014
John Riggir (see photo) has become vice president/general manager of Jet Aviation Singapore. Riggir was executive vice president-corporate business development for the Hawker Pacific Group in Singapore.

U.S. Bank Multi-Service Aviation

Sep 29, 2014
John Harpool has been appointed national sales manager for Houston-based U.S. Bank Multi-Service Aviation. He was director of sales and marketing for Air Training International, also in Houston.

Northrop Grumman Australia

Sep 29, 2014
Scott Harris has been named head of aerospace programs at Northrop Grumman Australia. He was head of customer business for Qantas Defense Services, which was acquired by Northrop Grumman.

Alaska Airlines

Sep 29, 2014
Bryan Zidar has become managing director of corporate communications for Alaska Airlines. He was director of corporate communications for T-Mobile U.S.

Who's Where: Honors and Elections


Boston Professional Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers

Sep 29, 2014
Kristyna Smith (see photo) has been elected president of the Boston Professional Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. She is an aerospace and mechanical engineer at the Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Masschusetts, working on inertial navigation technology and an airdrop system that autonomously delivers supplies such as fuel, food and water from cargo aircraft to soldiers on the ground.

Aerospace Industries Association

Sep 29, 2014
U.S. Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) has received the Arlington, Virginia-based Aerospace Industries Association’s annual Wings of Liberty Award “in recognition of his longtime support of the aerospace and defense industry.” He is chairman and a 30-year member of the House Appropriations Committee. Rogers also has served on its Defense subcommittee, and chaired the Transportation, Commerce, Science, Justice and the Homeland Security subcommittees.

National Association of Asian American Professionals

Sep 29, 2014
Harry Lee (see photo), vice president-corporate contracts, pricing and supply chain for the Falls Church, Virginia-based Northrop Grumman Corp., has received the National Association of Asian American Professionals’ 100 Award. It is given annually to individuals who have made substantial contributions to their profession and the Asian community.

Aerospace Calendar


Conferences & Exhibitions

Sep 29, 2014
Oct. 7-9—MRO Europe, Madrid. Nov. 4-6—MRO Asia, Singapore. Nov. 19-20—A&D Programs, Litchfield Park, Arizona. Jan. 13-14—MRO Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feb. 2-3—MRO Middle East, Dubai. March 5—Laureate Awards, Washington. April 14-16—MRO Americas, Miami. A version of this article appears in the September 29 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Upcoming Events (Sept. 29. 2014)

Sep 29, 2014
Oct. 7-9—MRO Europe, Madrid. Nov. 4-6—MRO Asia, Singapore. Nov. 19-20—A&D Programs, Litchfield Park, Arizona. Jan. 13-14—MRO Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feb. 2-3—MRO Middle East, Dubai. March 5—Laureate Awards, Washington. April 14-16—MRO Americas, Miami. A version of this article appears in the September 29 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.