WEBINAR: Unlocking the Future - AI's Impact on A&D Product Development

June 4, 2024
11:00 am EDT / 8:00 am PDT


Why does the A&D industry need AI? AI itself is nothing new, but advantages in hardware and GPU technology have enabled the operation of more sophisticated machine learning models that can handle larger amounts of data and make better predictions. Join Siemens Digital Industries Software and Articul8 AI in this webinar as they explain the pivotal role of AI in revolutionizing the industry. Learn what constitutes AI in A&D and how it will redefine aerospace development in the near and long term. Discover real-world applications of AI, including immersive engineering experiences and how you can use Siemens solutions to unlock the potential of AI.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why the A&D industry needs AI
  • The pivotal role of AI and how it's revolutionizing the A&D industry
  • Real-world applications of AI and immersive engineering experiences
  • How Siemens and Articul8 can help you unlock the potential of AI




Todd Tuthill
VP of Aerospace, Defense and Marine Industry, Siemens Digital Industries Software

Arun Subramaniyan
Founder & CEO, Articul8 AI

David Hambling
Moderator, Aviation Week Contributor


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